Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I am Going to be Mrs. Spencer Schmidt !

Okay, rather than try to write "the catch-up" post, I'm just going to start with now and eventually work my way backward....

I am SO excited to be a wife.
No, no, no.
I am SO excited to be Spencer Schmidt's wife!

Am I afraid? Of corse
Nervous? Without question
Intimidated? You betcha

But I know how much better and more complete he makes my life. He is so loving and kind and patient with me; he knows just how to treat and talk to me. He takes perfect care of me.
So even though we don't know a thing about where our young married selves will be in 4 months, (seriously, no clue), everything will be okay.
I am so grateful for that assurance, for my Heavenly Father who has blessed me with someone so perfect for me, who, most importantly, shares my passion and love for the gospel and our Saviour. I know that because we share these things and so many other goals in common, that we will be able to make our lives just what Heavenly Father wants them to be.

I am so grateful for my fiance!!!!
I can't WAIT to be married to him!!

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