Friday, December 10, 2010

Please Please Me

There is a part in one of my favourite movies, where this guy is trying to get a girl to date him, so he gets this really "cool" guy to help him attract her attention.... well the guy is resisting some of the changes he has to make with the excuse that those things "just aren't him," to which the cool guy replies, " 'YOU' is a very fluid concept right now."

I always thought this was funny before, but today I was driving home from school and realized that I am fluid. In my heart, and with a small hand full of people, I am myself and I know who I am... this isn't the problem... I mean that I act differently depending on who I'm with. (And I don't mean I change my actions or lower my values or anything) Basically I change the way I talk and laugh to suit whoever I'm spending time with....

Allow me to use an example to better illustrate this point:

I have a friend, we'll call "K" who talks SUPER fast and she is high energy and super chatty all the time, and she sorta thrives off of speaking over each other and vying for the leader spot..
I also have a friend, "S" who likes to listen to something, think about it, and reply slowly, and she likes to be listened to the same way. She likes to hear what people have to say, but she likes each person to take their turn.

Recently, both of them failed a practical eval we had at school, and both called to talk to me about it that night. With K, we both spoke over each other and laughed and talked and I convinced her not to worry, and that I would help her practice before her re-eval and that we'd work everything out.

When S called, I mostly listened to her talk, and she really just wanted me to tell her what she needed to do to be successful next time, so I talked slowly, and I listened, and I told her what I knew she wanted to hear.

I think "fluid" is the wrong word for what I am. I am still me, I am just a different version of me depending on who I'm with. I think I am just a pleaser.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sick Day

Today is a sick day. I started feeling a little off on Sunday morning, but I kept thinking that if I could just get a good sleep I would be better, but not today. Today I am staying home from school until later this afternoon (although I have done some homework from bed today) and staying in bed, and sleeping. So you can imagine my delight when I woke up and went to e-mail my school to say I wouldn't be there, to find an e-mail from one of my favourite people! This woman is one of the sweetest, most fun, "cool" people that I've ever met, and I hope I can be like her when I grow up.
One of the reasons for the e-mail was that I have decided to do it - to cut my hair short. It's really not that big a deal, I've had short hair before, but I've been wanting to do it for forEVER, and certain male suitors were against it, so I didn't... well now I'm doing it ! I can't wait. I feel like having short hair represents having more fun, and being more flirty, and sassy, and those things are me!
I just can't wait. I'll be sure to take before and after pictures!

So as much as I hate missing school and leaving behind responsibilities, Hooray for sick days!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Four Things

4 shows I watch:
(I am more a movie girl.. but there are shows I have watched in past so I will count those!)
1. Grey's Anatomy (to indulge the little piece of me that will always want to be a surgeon)
2. Gilmore Girls (my mom got me hooked!)
3. Criminal Minds (I LOVE the profiling part of it!)
4. What Not To Wear (What girl wouldn't like this?!)

4 things I am passionate about:
1. My WONDERFUL Family
2. My Schooling
3. Dancing
4. My Values (this one should be at the top of the list)

4 phrases I say a lot:
1. "Here's the thing"
2. "You are the best human"
3. *Laughing* (this totally counts, and I say it A LOT!)
4. "Best thing ever"

4 things I have learned from the past:
1. (I read this comment the other day and though it was very true) "Things change, so don't make plans, make GOALS!"
2. Don't EVER assume you know what a person will be like just by looking at them.
3. Don't rush things, because you'll look back later and wish you had enjoyed them more.. (I'm definitely still working on this one!)
4. Don't ever sacrifice something you believe for the sake of avoiding an awkward situation.

4 places I'd like to go:
1. Venice
2. Great Britain
3. Hawaii; Mexico; just somewhere warm!
4. Australia

4 things I did yesterday:
1. Learned about the digestive system.
2. Spent 2 1/2 hours driving.
3. Stood up for what I believe it, and was recognized for it.
4. Had a shower at night just cause I felt like it.

4 things I am looking forward to:
1. Christmas morning!! (You know that feeling when you wake up and run into the living room and your family is there and everyone is sleepy and in pj's and you just feel more love than you do any other day?)
2. Having a break from school / Finishing my program (in June)
3. Seeing my good friend Nolan again
4. Spending time with my mom

4 things I love about winter:
1. Snow in your hair and having a pink nose. Also mittens.
2. Ice skating.
3. The Nativity Pageant
4. Cozying up with mittens and hot apple cider

4 things on my wish list:
1. Going to Disneyland (check!)
2. A puppy.
3. Spending time with my Mom
4. Hanging out with my siblings, especially Bail.

4 people I tag:
Well I'm not sure who reads this... so I think I'll just pick some people who I really like! Hahaha.
1. Morales Girls!
2. Shelli !
3. Rach Ellis!
4. Kelsey Scott


Today was a wonderful day.

I went to school, and learned about teeth, (which I love) and then had a practical evaluation, which I rocked. Then I drove home, and my favourite radio station was great, and BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I even called in and REQUESTED a song, and they played it! HOW COOL IS THAT! (call me weird, but I am very excited by these kinds of things!)

But then I got home, and started looking at facebook a little, and as much as I don't want to admit it, (out loud, or to my own self) I felt a little lonely. I am not supposed to feel lonely... I am only a youngin, and am doing so well with my life! And I should be wild and independent and fun! And I do have those things lots of times, but I also feel a little lonely.

I think I want to move away somewhere and live with 4 FUN girls and run out the the store in the night all dressed up for basically no reason, and watch movies and cry and eat snacks, and have dance parties, and make dinner together, and borrow each others clothes. That would be pretty fun I think.